Do You Treat My Condition in Midlothian VA?

Chiropractor Midlothian VA James Cooley With Patient Treat Conditions

Yes, and no. We don’t treat problems; we treat you and your spine. We find that many conditions will improve as your nervous system begins to function at its optimum. The purpose of chiropractic care in Midlothian CA is to improve the communication of a person’s nervous system. When the nervous system is controlling and coordinating the body properly: correct movement is restored, injuries heal faster and even seemingly unrelated issues such as respiratory issues, digestive problems, ear infections, colic, and even immune system issues improve. This can all happen because we are restoring your body’s ability to properly self-regulate.

We unravel aches and pains by using our body’s wisdom to navigate the way. Whether you know it or not, your body speaks to you all the time. We simply tune in, unblock and unwind our bodies, so we feel better than we’ve ever felt before.

What We Help With In Midlothian VA

The focus of our office is to help our members be their best and healthiest selves. Many people seek out chiropractic care for the treatment of back pain, neck pain, disc herniations, sciatica, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, and a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Of course, like many chiropractors, we have helped numerous members with these problems, but in reality, chiropractic is not a treatment for these conditions or any others. Chiropractic helps to remove postural imbalances and structural misalignments that can accumulate in our bodies over time. Chiropractic works by restoring your own inborn ability to be healthy. For your body to remain healthy, your nervous system must function well. For your nervous system to function well it must be free of interference. By restoring proper spinal alignment with Chiropractic adjustments, nerve interference by misaligned vertebrae is removed, thus allowing optimal nervous system function and improved health.

Some Conditions We’ve Helped Our Clients Overcome:

  • POSTURAL CONDITIONS: Injuries related to sitting and computer strain, Dowagers Hump, Forward Head Syndrome, Upper Cross Syndrome (rounded shoulders), and Poor breathing
  • SHOULDER PAIN: Instability, Impingement, Rotator Cuff Injury, Frozen Shoulder.
  • ELBOW PAIN: Flexor Tendonitis, Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, Valgus Extension Overload.
  • WRIST/HAND PAIN: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • BACK PAIN: Herniated Disc, Sciatica, Facet Syndrome, Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis.
  • NECK PAIN: Herniated Disc, Facet Syndrome, Stenosis.
  • CONCUSSION SYMPTOMS: Dizziness, Balance Problems.
  • HIP PAIN: Bursitis, IT Band, Impingement, Osteoarthritis.
  • KNEE PAIN: ACL, PCL, Collateral Ligament, Meniscus, Runner's Knee, Osgood-Schlatter.
  • ANKLE/FOOT PAIN: Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Pain.
  • FIBROMYALGIA: Joint pain, Neck/Back Pain, Widespread Muscle Pain, Trigger Points.
  • HEADACHES: Migraines, Tension Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Sinus Headaches.

If you suffer from any of these conditions and you have not been helped with traditional treatment/therapy, please consider Advanced Biostructural Correction™. It has helped prevent surgeries in many instances, and recovery time is typically much faster.



9:00am - 6:00pm


9:00am - 6:00pm


9:00am - 2:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

The Chiropractic Solution Center

13817 Village Mill Dr Suite K
Midlothian, VA 23114

(804) 601-1730

**​For the fastest response time, text the number above and include your name and inquiry.**